
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Welcome to the world of Social Media ;-)

Marketing a book feels like an endless journey. There is never enough hours in the day to fulfill everything you have wanted to accomplish. Now I know why its called Social Media. Its pretty much as social as you can get without changing out of your bath robe. All the hours of reading about authors books, their cats, dogs, favorite foods and so on. I mean it is endless! I barely have time to brush my teeth. My day seems to go by in a fury as if I am in some sort of a race but the only race is one with the clock. Not sure where the times goes? How does anyone even have time to take a bath let alone write a manuscript? How can we have the next best-seller when we are all so busy whittling away the hours enjoying a little conversation.

Dont get me wrong. I love the interaction, the sharing of stories and the knowledge. There is a wealth of information out there in the World Wide Web. Well, at least sometimes there is. One thing I know for sure is I will never be lonely at home by myself again!!! Facebook has solved that fundamental problem.

I used to find pure satisfaction in sitting down, pen to paper, writing for hours at a time. My mind was a buzz and I wrote without a care in the world. I never felt rushed or hassled like I do now. I didnt have to consider how many messages I was missing or how many notifications I was receiving. I simply wrote for the pleasure of it. There is nothing better than the feeling when you are writing something and the puzzle pieces come together. It is instant gratification even if it didnt happen in an instant. When the writing is going well, it feels as if I am floating above my body as my imagination and recollection come together. These days I dont seem to have the luxury to spend hours on end writing. I am far too distracted and frankly too darn busy!

Now to learn how to balance my time better. For a start I have had to learn to use the word no more often. That is not always an easy thing to do. It feels so good to help support someone that is doing the same thing you are. It can be so rewarding but at the same time can be all consuming. There needs to be boundaries, I have discovered. That is if I want to have a life outside of all this self-promotion thing. I have friends and family outside of the computer and my books. Sometimes I do forget that but that is my New Years resolution. Take more time out for the people that matter the most. Myself included.

Rome wasnt built in a day and I am constantly struggling to find this balance. For me I have to make a conscious decision to make these changes I need to give myself a calendar and break it all down. How much time do I spend marketing (playing) and how much time writing. It needs to be done and I know it is possible. Are you with me in following a time calendar? Can we stick to it? I do know if we set our minds to it, anything is possible. So why dont we give it a try and see how it goes.  Break out the licorice and lets start writing again. :-) 



  1. Thank you for sharing my little story here! All comments are appreciated! :-)

  2. Love this! Yes, let's figure out how to make better use of our time. Maybe, just maybe, we'll learn to utilize that two letter word, 'no', and get busy living. :)

  3. Fabulous and so darn true. It's hard to know how much promotion is enough. Thank you Brenda.

    1. It can be ongoing. After a while you wonder if you are even getting anything done. It's so crazy. Love ya PJ.

  4. Since I just spent the last four hours participating in a blog "thingie" and responding to emails, your post definitely hits home! I'm thinking of setting a timer and, when the buzzer sounds, I'll log off all social media. What do you think? Would that work? I want to keep my name out there, but the characters in my three WIPs are getting impatient!

    1. I so agree with you Sandra. I have said yes to many of those blog "thingies" and boy can that be time consuming!!! There is only so much time!

      Thank you for sharing your time to respond. That is so cool.
