
Friday, June 14, 2013

2 Anthologies for Charity

We, the Unified Literary Artists have been working on two anthologies, for the tragedies, of the West Texas Plant Explosion and the Boston Marathon tragedy, April Rains and United We Stand, planning to unveil them on the 13th, - 16th, Father's day. The event will be on Facebook Books food for the Soul event.

April Rains
because rains implies crying
not just showers
but after April
May flowers from that drenching,
which offers the potential hope
coming from disasters

Copyright © 2013


Why do I say a resounding "YES" to Compassion?
I have always advised my readers to invest in compassion, pay it forward, and never give up.
It is not just a single stock share or single flicker of light.
This is a single light of our 7.2 billion of humanity that combines into a giant flame of human civil rights. This flame shall never be extinguished.
My Human Compassion has vowed to protect, heal, and unite humanity.
In these times when it might seem that everything is headed to end of days.
It may appear that the very foundations of the 7.2 billion of humanity are coming undone.
Loving & Compassion-based umbilical cords unite us all.
Judgments and labels divide. We unite to see a new healed day.
The love, light, compassion of the divine shines upon us.
As we transcend into our humanities future to grow, seek, and heal a new Pangaea arises -
I collect and breathe in a steady stream of compassion as I listen carefully to the tempo of the cities, wildernesses, and towns.
When it comes to collecting steady and rising transcending I must invest 100% in humanities compassion.
Humanity has saved me countless times. I do everything I can to help save humanity.
When chaos and crisis emerges I turn to compassion.
It is from the fruition of the healing light that I open my heart and let all of our divine oneness love shine in.
Each and every one of us emerges from the bathe of light from which we are now and always will be.
May the blessings of the universe bring a vast healing light forever circumventing our Pangaea.
Each of us walks on our unique transcending journey so we may one day own.
© Mhc- My Human Compassion
Submitted by Susan Mahoney

1 comment:

  1. Compliments and my fullest admiration for all authors/poets involved to create this! I loved my copy!
