
Monday, August 20, 2012

Author Spotlights, Reviews and Guest Bloggers, Oh My!

Thank you so much Siggy for having me here.
My name is Aurora and I’m the Founder of Crimson Flower Reviews and Randomness. We are a relatively new Blog, but we have been really blessed in growing exponentially.  It is in part due to our expressed purpose to get the names of Indie Authors out into the Internet via Social Media such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and others.  We are able to accomplish this through Author Spotlights and Promotions, Author Services, Book Reviews, Guest Blog Spots and Slice of Life Blog Entries. 
My subject today is connecting with Indie Authors. When I first started this I was that Indie Author. I had released my book, Child of the Loch. I was at a loss as to who, what, and where to advertise.  I was lucky enough to meet up with several best-selling Authors, who put me in touch with some Facebook groups. From there the rest they say is history. I scoured, skulked and stalked all of Facebook looking for anyone who was interested in reading/ reviewing my book and along the way I built up my friends list featuring many of today’s best Indie Writers, Publishers and some of the best minds in social media.
Some tips for Indie Authors on Facebook:
-Don’t over advertise your book- Some authors have a tendency to “spam, “to the point that people no longer wish to see their posts.  If you want to advertise, try a variety of ways such as different excerpts or good reviews. I even know of one author who posts pictures of who they think might be play their character in the movie version of their book. It keeps things fun and interesting.

-Don’t Inbox Advertise- I knew an unfortunate author who inbox advertised.  The backlash of incensed people was amazing. There were several walls on my Friends list who were all talking about the “gall” of that author.  I felt so bad for the author that I promised myself I would pass along to not make that mistake.

-Do set up an Author Fan Page.  Even if you aren’t published, an Author Fanpage can offer a way for you to keep the “public” up to date your books, where they are in the publishing process, any good reviews that you receive, and when they are available through the publisher or online. It can also be a means to market your book(s).

-Set up a blog that connects to your Facebook for you to talk about writing, reading and everyday things so that your readers can connect with you.  Writing is a long and busy process but I encourage you to make as many connections as you can.  Other Indie writers and your “public” are the people that can help make or break your success. Inviting those people into your “world” can draw interest in your book(s).

These are just a few of the do’s and don’ts, there is always more to learn from each other.
Aurora Martinez

I have always been a writer. When I first learned to write in Kindergarten, I wrote about pigs who "groo" wings and became "butterfys." I knew way back then that I would have a love affair with writing. It over took my life and has been a constant companion. Now over 20 years later, that love flows over into writing blogs, reviews, poetry and fantasy novels.  You can find me on the web at My Blog, Facebook Fan Page, Myspace Page, Twitter Page, Pinterest Page, Tumblr, Book Blogs, Goodreads, Blogger, WanaTribe, Shelfari, Google and MSN Live. Independent Author Index

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